Baked Sweet Potatoes is a solar cooking recipe.
My husband loves baked sweet potatoes. He loves sweet potato french fries. He loves sweet potatoes candied for the holidays. But mostly, he loves them baked. Sweet potatoes cook very well in the solar oven. Sometimes, I simply wash the sweet potatoes and put them into a covered pot. But usually I wrap them in aluminum foil and place them on a pan or cookie sheet. Then I cover them with a dark piece of material to keep the sun from reflecting off of the foil. Bake in a hot oven for 2 -3 hours, depending on how soft you want them. When done, they were very hot, soft, and delicious. Simply cut them open, add butter and brown sugar if you like. Or you can mash them up and make sweet potato pancakes, sweet potato pie, sweet potato whatever you like.
As with all solar cooking, the time it will take to cook will vary depending on the type of oven you are using, how hot the oven temperature gets, and of course, how soft you like your potato.
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Thank you for sharing. I was just going to lay mine on the bottom of my solar oven and wondered if they might dry out. Putting them in the pot solves that problem.
Hello Solar Friend, Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy your solar baked sweet potatoes.