Last week, Mr. B and I went to the PrepperfestAZ expo. It was a really great event. We enjoyed talking to a lot of vendors about their products. One of those vendors was Dr. Prepper, the author of Doctor Prepper’s Making the Best of Basics: Family Preparedness Handbook, who autographed a copy of his book for me. This book truly covers all the basics.

Dr Prepper’s Making the Best of Basics Family Preparedness Handbook
It begins by discussing the need for being prepared – not just for catastrophic disasters, but for any emergency. There are tips on how to begin a preparedness lifestyle and how to set up a long term food storage pantry. One section covers food, water, and gardening. It has plenty of basic recipes, including how to prepare and cook wild game and fowl. It also discusses how to dehydrate and store fruits and vegetables.
Another section discusses energy sources such as candles, kerosene, and solar energy for light and heat sources.
Still another chapter is all about medical needs and supplies. Not only are there lists of supplies to stock up on, there is a list of basic skills to learn as well. It covers hypothermia to heatstroke; cuts, and burns, and bites; sprains and strains and broken bones.
Another area centers on financial security and teaches about precious metals such as gold and silver – how to buy it, where to keep it, and what to do with it later when you need it.
And there is so much more that I can’t even begin to tell you.
In fact, the only thing that I didn’t find in this book was how to solar cook. So if you want to learn about solar cooking, come visit me. But if you need to know anything else, check out this book.
Disclosure: I was provided a copy of the book by Dr. Prepper for review. However, I was not compensated and all opinions are my own.
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