Have you made it out to see the Duttons yet? The Duttons are an incredibly talented family musical group who have been performing together for over 30 years. They have performed on TV including America’s Got Talent ranking in the top 10 finalists, and in concert in all 50 states, most of the Canadian provinces, and internationally. Although they spend the summer performing in Branson, Missouri, the winter belongs to Arizona.
We saw the Duttons as part of a event for bloggers. At a small reception prior to the concert, we met most of the family members, and took photos with Sheila and Ben.
Billed as a country music show, this is not your Mama’s country music. The show ranges from country to classical, from South Pacific to show tunes, and from patriotic to rock n roll. With a little bit of slapstick comedy through in for fun. And everything is PURE PERFECTION.
In addition to the five siblings, their spouses, their children, and Mom & Dad Dutton, complete the ensemble. The kids take the spotlight to show off their talent and a place on stage is found for even the tiniest Dutton.
The next generation of Duttons is being prepared for stardom. This young crooner had the ladies swaying in their seats with stars in their eyes.
If you need a great place to go for a date night, if you want a family friendly evening off of the beaten path, if you would like to expose your kids to a variety of great music, take a trip out to Mesa, Arizona to see The Duttons. And if you can’t get to Mesa, then hit the road for Branson.
Need tickets? Get them HERE——–>
Disclaimer: I was provided the opportunity to see the Duttons through a campaign with Blended Extended. All opinions are my own.
We had so much fun at their show! A must see!